Social Networks Policy

According to the established by the REGULATION (EU) 2016/679, of April 27th 2016 of the European Parliament, and of the relative Council at the Protection of the physical persons regarding the treatment of his personal data, for the organic Law 3/2018, of December 5th, protection of personal data and guarantee of digital rights and for the Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce Law 34/2002, of July 11th  (LSSI-CE), HERETAT OLLER DEL MAS, S.L.,  has procced to create a profile in Social Networks to advertise of their products and services as main purpose.



C/ Ctra. De Igualada a Manresa, C37z, Km 91, 08241 Manresa – Barcelona


The user has an account in the same Social Network and has decided to join HERETAT OLLER DEL MAS, S.L.’s profile, showing his interest in the information publicized in the Network. By joining our profile, the user gives his consent and allows HERETAT OLLER DEL MAS, S.L. to treat any personal data already published in the user’s profile.

The user may access to the Social Network privacy policy itself at all times, as well as configure properly their own profile to grant his privacy.

HERETAT OLLER DEL MAS, S.L. has access and treat the user’s public information, in particular, his contact name. Those details are only treated inside the Social Network and they are not incorporated to any file, in any case, without asking for your express consent previously.

Referring to access, correction, cancelation and opposition rights, which are available and can be exercised in front of HERETAT OLLER DEL MAS, S.L. according to the REGULATION (EU) 2016/679, of April 27th 2016 of the European Parliament, you should bear in mind that due to the Social Network functionality you must access your rights in front of the Social Network itself most of the times.

HERETAT OLLER DEL MAS, S.L. will take the following actions:

  • Access to profile’s public information.
  • Publication in the user’s profile of all the information already published in HERETAT OLLER DEL MAS, S.L.’s site.
  • Send private messages using the Social Network channels.
  • Updates on the page status which will be published in the user’s profile.

As user, you are always able to control your connections, delete any content which no longer interest you and limit who you are sharing your connections with. To that end, the user must access his privacy configuration.


The access and registration to this social network is prohibited to people under 14 years old. The access to HERETAT OLLER DEL MAS, S.L.’s official site is also prohibited to people under 14 years old. On its own side, if the user is incapable, HERETAT OLLER DEL MAS, S.L. warns of the need of the parental custody’s responsible person consent, or its legal representative, to access and use HERETAT OLLER DEL MAS, S.L.’s official site. HERETAT OLLER DEL MAS, S.L. is expressly released of any responsibility that may derive from its official site use by under-aged and incapable, being their legal representatives the only responsible in each case.


Once the user has joined HERETAT OLLER DEL MAS, S.L.’s profile, will be able to publish in our page comments, links, images, photographs or any other multimedia content available in the Social Network. Without exception the user must be the content’s owner, own copyrights and intellectual property rights or have the concerned person consent. It is expressly forbidden to publish any content on our page or profile that are injurious to public moral, ethic, taste and decency or that break, violate or subvert the intellectual or industrial property rights, the rights to images or the Law itself. In those particular cases, HERETAT OLLER DEL MAS, S.L. reserves the right to withdraw the content immediately and request the Social Network the permanent block of the user account.

HERETAT OLLER DEL MAS, S.L. will not be responsible for the contents freely published by the user.

The user must bear in mind their publications will be shared and known by other users, consequently, he is the main responsible for their own privacy.

The possible images published in our site will not be incorporated to any kind of file by HERETAT OLLER DEL MAS, S.L., but they can still remain published in the Social Network.


HERETAT OLLER DEL MAS, S.L. reserves the right to conduct contests and promotions, for the users who had joined their profile or site. The contest or promotion rules will be announced in the Social Network, in case the contest is conducted using the Social Network platform, always meeting the LSSI-CE legal requirement as well as any other rule applicable.

The Social Network is not associated, do not sponsor, endorse or manage our promotions in any way.


We will use the Social Network to advertise our products and services. In any case, if HERETAT OLLER DEL MAS, S.L. decide to treat your contact data to take commercial prospecting direct actions, it will always be meeting the GDPR, LOPD-GDD and LSSI-CE legal requirements.

It will not be considered as advertisement to recommend HERETAT OLLER DEL MAS, S.L. page to other users, so they can participate in our promotions or keep informed about our activity.

Social Network Privacy Policy’s link detailed hereunder:




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Privacy Overview

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